Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Goody Girl!!!!!

Dear Santa,
                 Santa I have been really good this year and I still believe in you. I would like a couple of movies whatever you think is good. I also want an ipod player for my car. I really want a television for my room but It's ok if I don't get it. I want my parents and all of my family to have a happy and nice white Christmas. I really really want a North Face Jacket in black. You know I will leave cookies for you and milk. Hope you have a great Christmas too.
                                                                                      Love, Ashley Souder
P.S. Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year so your they best!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Are you willing to be Safe?

I hate airplanes so I think it is a good idea to pat and scan people to see if they have any weapons. Some people worry and don' t like it when you have to get scanned because they think that the people are taking pictures of there body. Are they? But also don't like it how they feel up on you and every body part almost. Airports are trying to find a system that helps them become safer so more people will fly. It is really peoples opinions.