Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Sight- My gorgeous best friend!
Touch- The soft, comforting feeling of my hair! lol
Sound- The sweet sound of George Strait's voice.
Taste- The terrific after tasting drink of coffee.
Smell- The to die for smell of brand new tennis balls! Right as you open the can.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What I think it is trying to say is that when you don't forgive someone then you are killing them because they feel horrible for what they did. It is killing them, knowing that they did something wrong and they can't make it up. Also by you drinking the poison you are killing yourself in the inside. You should just forgive and forget. I agree on what it is saying but not to hold a grudge on someone.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fly on the Wall

I would like to be a fly on the wall when my parents are in their room because I want to know what they talk about all the time. When I do something wrong I want to know what they think about it and say! I also want to know how much they love D'lyn more than me. That is why I would want to be a fly on the wall in my parents room.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


My utopia is located in Australia! It will be ruled by dictatorship. Anyone is welcome but there is a requirement to be able to live there. You have to be checked up and down to see if you have any weapons. If you are clean then you may live in my utopia. The rules that will be acquired is that everyone is free but you may not drink, do drugs, or anything bad. No fighting is also a no no. If you get caught doing any of these things than you will be kicked out of my utopia. I will be in charge of my utopia.